Adventure begins where civilization ends

Adventure begins where civilization ends
Adventure begins where civilization ends

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Life is a pod of whales

We were in the San Francisco area this last weekend to go on two pelagics and ideally to see some new birds. We did go on two pelagic tours but we saw more whales than birds, which wasn't really an issue for me. I saw 4 species of whale this weekend and 3 species of dolphin so I consider it to be a completely perfect trip. I mean we did miss our plane (which turned out to be a good thing over all), my dad got a weird rash on his fingers that made him lose skin, and I did have to wake up at 4 A.M for a few days but I had fun and saw some amazing animals and met some great people and that is what matters.

We did see some birds, a black footed albatross and a brown boobie.

We saw at least a hundred humpback whales.


And last but certainly not least I got to have a great weekend with my dad before he goes off to Alaska.

Oh and I got to meet this adorible seal on the pier, if i could have kidnapped it and kept it in my hot tub I would have.

With that cute note I will let you all get back to your lives and I hope you have a great day!